

放大字体  缩小字体 2019-11-27 21:27:33  阅读:2872+ 作者:责任编辑NO。郑子龙0371

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咱们从小就被灌注这样一条规则:“坐如钟,不要动来动去。”甚至在成年后这句话也挥之不去。[“坐着的时分不要动。不要动。不要动。”] 但这个引导或许是过错的。由于久坐的生活方式会对健康发生负面影响,而四肢上的小动作实际上或许有助于抵消这种负面影响。换句话说,假如你是那种忐忑不安四肢简单多动的人,那么“久坐等于吸烟”的观念或许就不适用于你。

英国研讨人员对近1.3万名女人进行了12年的跟踪调查,询问了这些女人的饮食、吸烟和喝酒习气,以及训练和坐着的时刻。研讨人员还向她们提出了一个在此类研讨中不太寻常的问题:“请用1至10标明你忐忑不安的时刻长短。”为什么提这样的一个问题?“我老公便是一个很难静下来的人,我觉得有关训练的发问或许底子没有包括一切的运动能量消耗。”利兹大学(University of Leeds)的养分流行病学家珍妮特·凯德(Janet Cade)说。


Sitting Not the New Smoking for Fidgeters

It's a rule that's drilled into us from an early age: "Stop fidgeting." We're even hounded about it as adults. > But that instruction may be misguided. Because small movements of your hands and feet may actually help counteract the negative health effects of our sedentary lifestyle. In other words, the notion that “sitting is the new smoking” may not apply if you fidget.

Researchers in the U.K. tracked nearly 13,000 women for 12 years. The women were quizzed about their diets, smoking and drinking habits, and time spent exercising versus sitting. They were also asked a slightly unusual question for this type of study: "On a scale from 1 to 10 please indicate how much of your time you spend fidgeting." The reason? "My husband is a big fidgeter and I felt that the questions on physical activity maybe weren't getting at all of the elements of energy expenditure through movement." Janet Cade, a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Leeds.

She and her colleagues found that sitting for seven plus hours a day correlated to a 30 percent higher risk of death—regardless of how active study subjects were at other times. But that association disappeared among the fidgeters. Fidgeting did not appear to lower the body-mass index, a loose measure of obesity. But Cade says it might work by improving…[full transcript]



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关键词: 抖腿使人健康?


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